
Relationship Recovery Boot Camp

One of the most difficult relationships I have ever encountered was the one I have with myself. Can you imagine trying to have a relationship with so many representatives or versions of yourself? My identity was solely created by an approval process. Whoever approved of me being someone else is where I stood. Unfortunately, it led me to faux relationships due to my identity crisis. I had unrealistic expectations from men that even I couldn’t reach.  My expectations were based on what I saw, heard or read about relationships.  I like to refer to this as “storytelling”.   I created unrealistic stories due to my false perception of what a successful relationship should be. The stories I concluded about myself was “I’m not good enough” because all of my failed relationships left me devastated and broken.

Then one day I decided to change my story.  I was afraid, tired and fed up just like many of you reading this. I decided to get into a healthy relationship with myself.    I took the boot camp approach to love and understand ME!  That’s why Nicole Beverly and I decided to collaborate and bring you this realistic approach to change your story!  I can’t wait until she shares her recovery testimony with you during the workshop.  We will provide you with an energetic, thought-provoking and sustainable workshop to empower you to fall in love with yourself and make healthier relationship choices!   We will create a supporting and loving environment to shed the weight of disappointment and pain.  I believe in you sis – if I can do it, so can you!  Register today.